Usana Review

Usana Review 1
  • Usana was founded in 1992 by Chairman Myron Wentz, Ph.D.
  • Based Utah.
  • Has been on Forbes’ 200 best companies multiple times.
  • Start-up cost is $200 for a business center and $19 for a business kit.


The Product

They specialize in disposable products.  They market everything from food to nutritional products to personal care.  Every company will have positive and negative reviews on their product but the products seem to have a strong majority in the positive column.

The Compensation Plan

There are many ways one can make money with this company.

A distributor can earn money selling the products retail which the member sets themselves.  They can also be eligible for many bonuses including “matching bonuses” that are 100% commission. And of course, you can make up to 20% commission on your organization and preferred customers.

Final Thoughts on Usana

Its best asset is that it’s been around for almost 20 years, so it has longevity.  That should say something about the management and or the product.  However, even with recent reviews, it appears that Usana has still not taken advantage of the internet by recommending their distributors to take the “family and friends” to marketing their business.

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About the Author: Andrew Murray

Andrew Murray is an online entrepreneur and business owner. I have helped thousands of students create their own websites and funnels and make a full-time income online. Reach out if you need help. Text me at 617-340-2920 Free Webinar: Learn How To Make $1000 Per Day Online Watch The Replay Now


  1. I have a friend who just got into USANA and she told me they were asking them to approach friends and family to get off to a great start. I didn’t think they were still doing that.

    If USANA is still promoting sharing their biz with friends and family, I would think now is the time to take your USANA business online. Competition between you and your fellow USANA members is probably not high.

    Go to for an easy, step by step blueprint in home business marketing. All the techniques are cost-effective and more importantly, they work.

  2. 11 sebab kenapa anda perlu memilih produk dan bisnes USANA :

    1. Comparative Guide To Nutritional Supplement: 3rd Edition (2003) & 4rd Edition (2007) – (No 1 – 96.1% & Top 5 Star, Gold Medal Winner – Best Of The Best) Pengkelasan yang tertinggi diberikan oleh 8 orang pakar pemakanan kesihatan dunia setelah dibuat perbandingan diantara 1500 Suplemen terkenal, mengatasi syarikat pengeluar suplemen terkenal dunia yang lain.

    2. Anugerah Utah Best of State Awards: USANA Health Sciences merupakan pemenang tahunan berturut-turut (2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008) dalam kategori Syarikat Penokok Zat Terbaik (Best Dietary Supplement Company).

    3. The Brand Laureate Asia Pasific Awards 2007 – Satu organisasi yang tidak membuat keuntungan yang merupakan Academy Award for Brand telah menganugerahkan 2 award kepada USANA Health Sciences. Menang 2 kategori Award : Advance Nutritional Supplement (USANA Essential) & Wellness Nutritional Health Supplement (Overall)

    4. Produk USANA tersenarai di dalam The physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) dan Master Index of Medical Specialities (MIMS) merupakan panduan maklumat preskripsi yang paling luas digunakan oleh pakar perubatan di Amerika Syarikat dan Asia masing-masing.

    5. Pharmaceutical-Grade Supplements: USANA dengan secara sukarelanya telah menguatkuasakan “piawai farmaseutikal” yang jauh lebih ketat dalam proses
    pengeluarannya untuk memastikan semua produk bebas dari toksin dan sebarang pencemaran; dan bahan mentah yang digunakan dikenalpasti akan mujarabnya; setiap tablet mengandungi jumlah ramuan yang tercatat pada labelnya, dan setiap tablet pasti melarut sepenuhnya untuk penyerapan badan.

    6. Network Marketing Today 1998 – 2007 : Syarikat pengeluar Supplement yang menjadi pilihan No 1 selama 10 tahun berturut-turut oleh Pengedar dan Pengguna mengatasi Syarikat Pengeluar Supplement terkenal dunia yang lain.

    7. Millenium Researches International 1998, menyenaraikan USANA Health Sciences berada di tempat PERTAMA dikalangan 45 syarikat rangkaian gergasi dunia. AMWAY ditempat 37, HERBALIFE 38 & SHAKLEE 39.

    7. Diluluskan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM)

    8. Disahkan HALAL oleh IFANCA yang diperakui oleh JAKIM.

    9. Pengasas USANA Health Sciences, Dr. Myron Wentz yang juga pengasas Gull Laboratories (Saintis – Microbiologist dan Immunologist) adalah merupakan diantara HANYA 8 pemimpin hebat di dunia yang menerima Anugerah Albert Einstein Award oleh Global Capital Associates, atas visi dan komitmen beliau dalam menerajui peningkatan teknologi Sains Nutrisi demi kesejahteraan dan faedah kesihatan hidup manusia sejagat.

    10. Beliau juga menerima Anugerah The Brand Laureate 2008 – Brand Personality Award atas sumbangan besar beliau dalam Sains Kehidupan (Contributions To The Advancement of Life Sciences)

    11. Penghasilan Produk USANA adalah ditahap Toleransi Sifar Untuk Kesilapan (Zero Tolerance for Error) dan USANA mengesahkan setiap keluarannya agar apa yang anda baca pada label produk ialah apa yang akan anda dapati dalam produk; Jaminan potensi (Guaranteed Potency).

  3. I had been with USANA last 8 months ago. And is the best 8 months in my life. I quit smoking and drinking with the aid of its products. I was able to recover from my Chronic Liver Hardening. My grandmother was formerly a stroke patient and paralyzed, now with the Grace of the Lord, she can now move. My Dad had high blood pressure and is now at normal level. My mom is complaining of stress and irreglar bowel movement, and now its all ok. My family is now healthy and ok because of the product. I was able to help people achieve optimal health like people with severe degenerative disease from tongue, colon, liver, prostate cancers to dialysis patients, diabetics, lupus even acne, asthma, stroke, valvular heart disease, fungal infections, bipolar disorders, ADHD, and even slimming.

    Healthwise, the products are truly effective.

    Financially, GREAT! and awesome! As a 19-year old earning aroud 200-600$ a week is great!

  4. That’s right. USANA is still using the friends and family approach. For anyone who’s interested in this company. You can join our team. We use the NEW, ZERO REJECTION approach, that will make leads COME to you, instead of the other way around. Just contact me 09226759844 if you’re interested.

  5. Usana offers an amazing line of health products – with one of the best compensation plans in the industry. What I love about having my own busiess is you create the marketing plan that works for you! I have approached friends and family, but find that friends and colleagues make my best customers.

    I have used and marketed Usana since 2005 and still love both the product, the business opportunities. I have also been fortunate to be part of Team Northrup, led by Dr Christiane Northrup and a group of like minded women and men seeking and achieving greather health and wealth and offer wonderful training and support.

    My Usana website is – contact me and I will be happy to answer any questions you have.

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